Apricot jam with almonds and vanilla

Apricot jam with almonds and vanilla

Total: 30 min. | Active: 30 min.
vegan, lactose-free, gluten-free
Nutritional value / glass: 656 kcal
, Fat: 4 g
, Carbohydrate: 148 g
, Protein: 6 g
Pectin is a dietary fibre present in plants. It is found in the plant cell walls where it plays an important supportive role. In cooking, pectin has a valuable job as a natural binding agent. It is mostly used as a gelling agent in jams. Pectin can be found in all plants, but not always in the same quantities. This means that not all fruit sets the same when making jam. Fruits that are high in pectin such as quince, citrus fruit, plums and apples set very well. Strawberries, cherries and elderberries, on the other hand, contain much less pectin and therefore require extra preserving sugar.


4 glasses


Please note: If you adjust the quantities yourself, it may happen that the recipe is not perfect. The quantities and cooking times of the ingredients are not automatically adjusted in the text. If you have any questions about the quantities in this recipe, the culinary professionals at Betty Bossi will be happy to help you:

Betty Bossi Koch-Center

1 kg apricot, halved, pitted, cut into pieces
1 lemon, use only the juice
1 tsp bourbon vanilla powder
¼ tsp ground cardamom
1 parcel Confi-Vite (gelling agent made from apple pectin)
500 g sugar
4 tbsp flaked almonds, roasted
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How it's done

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Place the apricots, lemon juice, vanilla, cardamom and gelling agent in a pan, bring to the boil while stirring, boil fast for approx. 1 min. Add the sugar, cook for another 4-6 mins. while stirring. Skim off any foam. Test to see if the jam has set by spooning a small amount of the hot jam onto a plate and leaving it to cool. If it is no longer runny and forms a thin skin after a short while, it has achieved the right consistency. If not, continue to boil briefly and then test it again. Stir in the flaked almonds, ladle the jam into the clean, pre-warmed jars while still boiling hot, fill the jars to just below the rim, seal immediately.

Good to know
Shelf life: Store in a cool, dark place for approx. 12 months. Once opened, keep the jar in the fridge and consume the jam quickly.

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