General Terms of Use

General Terms of Use


1. Scope

The following provisions govern the relationship between Coop Cooperative, Thiersteinerallee 12, 4053 Basel, Switzerland (hereinafter referred to as "Coop") and visitors (non-registered users) as well as MyFOOBY account holders (registered users) using the website This includes the related domains and mobile versions, as well as the applications and our other services (hereinafter referred to as "digital channels"), which are associated with these Terms. By using the digital channels, you are agreeing to be bound by these Terms of Use and confirm that you have read the Coop Privacy Policy.

2. MyFOOBY account

2.1 Registration

Participants in the Supercard programme have the option of setting up their own personal MyFOOBY account and benefiting from additional food-related offers. Personal accounts can be used to save participants' own recipes and cookery books, etc. As a registered user, you can also comment on individual articles.

To register, you need to enter your personal Supercard ID. Supercard holders can request a Supercard ID by clicking here: Supercard ID.

2.2 Saving recipes

In your account, you can save recipes and create your own cookery books. You are responsible for creating a backup copy of the data stored in your MyFOOBY account on a local storage device. Coop is not liable for the loss of any content or data.

2.3 Data protection and data security

The data and content you save in your MyFOOBY account are stored on Coop servers in Switzerland which meet the applicable technical standards for security. Adequate technical and organizational precautions are taken to protect your personal data against loss, destruction, tampering, manipulation and unauthorized access.

You can permanently delete the data and content stored in your account by deleting your account (see Section 2.5).

2.4 Deleting a MyFOOBY account, excluding users and discontinuing the MyFOOBY account function

You can delete your personal MyFOOBY account at any time by logging on to your account and clicking on the function "Delete MyFOOBY Profile". The data stored in your account will then be deleted permanently. This does not mean that you will leave the Supercard programme. However, if you leave the Supercard programme, your MyFOOBY account will be cancelled at the same time.

Coop is entitled to reject your registration without explanation and to exclude registered participants temporarily or permanently without prior notice, especially in cases where they have violated these Terms or any legal provisions. If a user is excluded, Coop is entitled to delete all of that user's content permanently and without prior notice. Coop also retains the right to discontinue the MyFOOBY account function at any time.

3. Newsletter

Our regular email newsletter keeps you up to date on attractive offers and exciting information from the culinary world. You will only receive the newsletter if you have expressly agreed to it. To prevent any misuse, we will send an email containing a confirmation link to your specified email address. The registration process is only complete once you have clicked on the confirmation link. To unsubscribe, you can simply click on the link at the bottom of the newsletter at any time.

4. Granting permission to use data with the FOOBY hashtag

By adding the FOOBY hashtag to photographs or content (user-generated content, UGC) which you have posted in a digital or social media channel (including Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest and Instagram), you are informing Coop that this content may be shown in Coop's digital channels and/or on Coop's social media page.

If you grant Coop permission, you are giving Coop the right to save the content (text, images and similar content which are protected by intellectual property rights) free of charge for an unlimited time, to an unlimited extent and in any location. In addition, you are granting Coop the right to provide the content free of charge within the context of Coop offers or on social networks (Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram and others), to edit it, save it and print it out, offer it and use it in online, printed and other media. Coop shall retain these rights for an unlimited time period, even after an account has been cancelled or use of the content has been terminated elsewhere.

5. Rights relating to content provided by Coop

Content provided by Coop in the digital channels (photographs, videos, images, designs, logos, titles, brands, etc.) is either the property of Coop or is used with the permission of third parties. You are not permitted to copy, publicly disclose, alter or otherwise use or exploit it without permission from Coop. Participants may save or print out such content for non-commercial and personal use only.

6. Liability

Coop cannot guarantee the topicality, accuracy, completeness or quality of the information provided. Coop can also not be held responsible for the information fulfilling the desired purpose of the participants. Users use this website, browse on this website and download documents and files from this website at their own risk.

Coop cannot be held liable for any technical issues, server downtime, loss of data, transfer errors, data insecurity or other reasons and their consequential damages. Furthermore, Coop accepts no responsibility whatsoever and cannot be held liable for any viruses or other damage to participants' computer systems or other property that may result from accessing, using or browsing the digital channels or downloading materials, data, text, images, video or audio material.

Liability claims against Coop relating to material or non-material damages arising from the use or non-use of information provided, from the use of incorrect and incomplete information or from downloading data are excluded. If the damages which occurred through use of the website and digital channels or by downloading data were the result of intent or culpable negligence, the exclusion of liability does not apply.

7. Availability

Users do not have the right to demand the provision of the services offered in the digital channels. Coop retains the right to change or discontinue the offering in the digital channels at any time. No damages or claims can arise against Coop as a result.

Coop will do its utmost to ensure that the digital channels run smoothly, but is not responsible for their uninterrupted availability or accessibility and the content provided in them.

8. Final provisions

Coop retains the right to revise the Terms of Use from time to time. Coop will inform you of any major changes. By continuing to access and utilize our services after any such changes take effect, you are agreeing to be legally bound by the revised Terms of Use.

Should any provision in these Terms of Use be declared invalid or unenforceable, the provision concerned will be amended as slightly as possible or removed, while the remaining provisions continue to apply in full.

The legal relationship between the users and Coop is subject to Swiss law only. The provisions of Switzerland's Federal Act on Private International Law (PILA)  and the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG) do not apply.

The sole place of jurisdiction for all disputes between users and Coop is Basel-Stadt.

Valid as of 1 February 2017

Last amended on 6 July 2023

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ith myFooby, you can not only access your saved recipes on all your devices, but also save interesting stories and helpful cooking instructions and easily refer back to them.

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Log in with your Supercard ID to have access to a cookbook with your favourite recipes from all your devices.

L'article te plait ?

ith myFooby, you can not only access your saved recipes on all your devices, but also save interesting stories and helpful cooking instructions and easily refer back to them.