Joel & Muriel

Joel & Muriel

Joel & Muriel

Joel & Muriel asked themselves whether it’s possible to cook well for under five francs. To answer this question, the couple have published two cookbooks and over 250 recipes, among other things. Since the duo have been mostly eating vegan, it is also important to them to show how easy it is (and cheap!) to cook delicious vegan food.

«We usually take photos of any new discoveries we make while travelling or in a restaurant, and try to recreate it later. If it’s really successful we’ll often make it again once or twice soon afterwards, and then write a recipe.»

Joel & Muriel often create their recipes spontaneously depending on what they find in the fridge. They also discover so many things while travelling that they always have plenty of inspiration for new dishes.

What inspires you?

We usually discover so many different things while backpacking that we always have plenty of inspiration in our heads for new dishes.

What made you take up cooking?

We learned to cook properly while we were at university – where it not only had to taste good, it also had to be cheap. That gave rise to our first blog and cookbook “Kochen unter 5 Franken” (Cooking for under 5 francs).

What is the most memorable dish your grandma made?

Joel: A hazelnut cake that we always called “Nani-Chueche” in her honour.

What is your funniest/best cooking memory?

Joel wanted to make mashed potatoes in the mixer – it produced a cheese replacement! We immediately used our “discovery” in a recipe…

What was your favourite food as a child?

Spaetzli gratin and lasagne.

What is currently your favourite food?

Tacos are always good – and there are so many different varieties!

Which aroma brings back happy memories for you?

The smell of biscuits from the oven… or the barbecue aromas in summer!

What dish or ingredient have you recently rediscovered?

We played around with vegan tacos for a very long time – they are now very close to the originals!

What ingredients do you always have in the fridge?

Hummus and fresh vegetables!

Which food can you really not bear?


What's the most important spice or seasoning in your kitchen? (Other than salt and pepper)

Soy sauce! (And if that doesn't count, then cumin J)

What can't you stand the smell of?

Muriel: Coriander! 

Do you have any cans in your cupboard? And if so, which?

There’s always a can of tomatoes – not just for Italian dishes! Muriel also loves sweetcorn and beans for colourful salads.

What’s your favourite restaurant?

Almost more than restaurants, we love to discover new dishes at street food festivals or on a random street corner when travelling. J In Zurich we currently like going to the Vesu Sushi Bistro or La Taqueria.

White wine, red wine or beer?

We’re both happy with rosé. J

Do you prefer to cook alone or with others?

Preferably alone – although we’ve also held cookery courses and if everyone knows what they’re doing it can be good fun to cook together.

Anyone who loves food and doesn’t have an endless budget for eating out should learn to cook themselves! That’s how it was for me as a student, anyway. The first year in a shared flat was no culinary highlight, but it got better and better with trial and error!


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