Food lexicon


The comeback of emmer from the Neolithic Age

Although the grain was almost completely forgotten, it is currently enjoying a slight renaissance and is becoming increasingly popular thanks to the organic-eating trend.

Emmer – An Ancient Grain

Emmer is one of the oldest grain varieties in the world. After the Second World War, it came close to extinction, replaced by grains such as barley and rye. The reason for this was the tedious process behind cultivating the cereal, and the low yield it produced. Emmer fields are also relatively difficult to maintain – they produce a lot of weeds, the grains and ears of emmer are easily damaged, and the stems of the grain are very delicate and breakable. However, thanks to the emerging organic trend, the demand for emmer is increasing and the grain is no longer a stranger to fields worldwide.

Food Facts





325 kcal per 100 g


62.3g carbohydrate, 8.8g fibre, 2.8g fat, 12g protein per 100g


available year-round


store in a  cool, dark, dry place

Shelf life

several years

Emmer – Dark and Flavourful

Although emmer originated in the Middle East, the ancient Romans are also said to have used the grain for cooking and baking. The small seeds are known to be darker and more flavoursome than wheat. In its whole grain form, emmer has a particularly nutty and rich taste. It can be found in the form of flakes, flour or whole grain, in organic shops or health food shops.

Emmer – Bread and Pasta

The grain is often processed into emmer flour, which proves to be slightly stickier than conventional flour. It can often lend bread a darker colour and a strong taste. Emmer flour is also a good addition to pasta – it gives a slightly nutty flavour and makes for an unusual alternative to the traditional variety of pasta.

Emmer – A Versatile Addition

The flavourful grain is not just limited to pasta and bread, it is a very versatile ingredient in any kitchen. Emmer wheat can be used, for example, to make delicious, sweet waffles. Savoury options include a very tasty emmer wheat risotto – simply boil the grain beforehand in salted water and continue with your normal risotto recipe. Its unique flavour and mildly chewy texture can also be a tasty addition to various soups and stews. As with other grain varieties, emmer can be used in the production of beer. A number of small breweries specialise in emmer beer alone.

Emmer – Not Just Tasty

Ingredients like emmer are good additions to a balanced diet. The healthy grain is particularly well known for its high content of carotenoids which aid good eyesight and protect body cells. As well as this, emmer is rich in nutrients such as magnesium, iron and zinc. All in all, the grain is not just a tasty addition to your diet, but a healthy one too.

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