Elderflower panna cotta with strawberries

Elderflower panna cotta with strawberries

Total: 6 hr 35 min. | Active: 35 min.


for 4 people

Panna cotta
5 dl full cream
2 ½ leaf gelatine, immersed in cold water for approx. 5 mins., drained
¾ dl elderflower syrup
250 g strawberries, sliced
1 tbsp elderflower syrup
organic lime, use a little grated zest and 1 tsp of juice
30 g Fine Food Nocciola Piemonte IGP, coarsely chopped

How it's done

Panna cotta

Bring the cream to the boil in a pan. Remove the pan from the heat. Thoroughly squeeze out the gelatine, stir into the hot liquid, pour in the syrup, mix, pour through a sieve into a measuring cup. Transfer the mixture to the prepared ramekins, leave to cool. Cover and leave to set in the fridge for approx. 6 hrs. or overnight.


Mix the strawberries, syrup, lime zest and juice in a small bowl, carefully loosen the panna cotta from the edges of the ramekins using the tip of a knife. Briefly dip the ramekins in warm water and turn out the panna cotta onto plates. Top with the strawberries and hazelnuts.

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