Ratatouille ravioli with mozzarella cream

Total: 1 hr 10 min. | Active: 1 hr

This elegant take on a classic ratatouille is served with a delicious mozzarella cream. The combination of the flavoursome ratatouille wrapped in pasta dough and the smooth mozzarella cream is simply stunning. You can make the pasta dough yourself or use a ready-made dough. If you don't have a ravioli cutter you can cut out the ravioli using a round object (e.g. a glass or cookie cutter). You can then create the "serrated" effect around the edges using a fork. A wonderful rustic, summery recipe for everyday use but one that will also impress guests.

Recipe by:
Nadja - LouMalou


for 4 person

To prepare the aubergine
aubergine, halved lengthwise
1 tsp sea salt
2 tbsp olive oil
½  onion, finely chopped
garlic clove, squeezed
courgette, cut into cubes
red pepper, cut into cubes
1 tin chopped tomatoes (400 g)
½ tsp salt
a little  pepper
½ bunch basil, finely chopped
3 tbsp grated Parmesan
rolls of pasta dough (approx. 500 g)
Mozzarella cream
250 g Mozzarellas di bufala (buffalo mozzarella), torn into pieces
1 pinch salt
To cook the ravioli
  salted water, boiling
2 tbsp olive oil

How it's done

To prepare the aubergine

Sprinkle the cut surfaces of the aubergine with salt, leave to absorb for approx. 10 mins. Pat the aubergines dry and cut into cubes.


Heat the oil in a non-stick frying pan. Briefly sauté the onion and garlic. Add the aubergine, courgette and pepper, cook for approx. 3 mins. Add the tomatoes, season. Cover the vegetables and simmer for approx. 30 mins. until soft. Mix in the basil, leave the ratatouille to cool. Drain the water if necessary, mix in the parmesan.


Unroll the pasta dough, cut in half lengthwise. Place approx. 1 tsp of the filling at equal intervals on half of the pasta strips. Place the remaining strips of pasta on top of the filling, press the edges down firmly, pressing out any trapped air. Separate the ravioli using a ravioli cutter or pastry wheel, press the edges down firmly with a fork.

Mozzarella cream

Pour approx. 100 ml of the mozzarella brine into a measuring cup, add the mozzarella and salt, puree until smooth.

To cook the ravioli

Cook the ravioli in batches in simmering salted water for approx. 3 mins. Remove the ravioli with a slotted spoon, drain, serve with the mozzarella cream, drizzle with olive oil.

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