Sourdough rye bread with fruit and nuts

Total: 14 hr 25 min. | Active: 40 min.
vegan, lactose-free

A few months ago I finally decided to start baking my own sourdough bread. I began with simple recipes that contained no nuts, seeds or dried fruit. To celebrate the start of autumn, I baked a fruity sourdough bread with nuts for the first time and it was utterly delicious. As well as the dried fruit and nuts, I added a little cinnamon to the dough. The result was a wonderful autumnal bead, perfect for an autumn brunch or to serve with pumpkin soup.

Fanny Frey - fannythefoodie


for 1 bread

Sourdough starter
30 g Sourdough starter culture
50 g wholemeal rye flour
50 g white flour
1 dl water
3 ¼ dl water
250 g wholemeal rye flour
250 g white flour
1 tbsp salt
¼ dl water
1 tsp cinnamon
Nuts & dried fruit
100 g walnut kernels, coarsely chopped
50 g hazelnuts
80 g dates, halved, pitted
80 g dried figs, sliced

How it's done

Sourdough starter

Place the starter culture in a bowl, combine with the flour and water, cover and leave to rise at room temperature for approx. 8 hrs. or overnight.


Pour the water into the sourdough and mix together. Add the flour, knead into a moist dough, cover and leave to rise at room temperature for approx. 30 mins. Combine the salt and water, knead into the dough along with the cinnamon. Using a food processor, knead for approx. 5 mins. on a low setting, leave to rise again at room temperature for approx. 30 mins.

Nuts & dried fruit

Place the nuts and fruit on the dough. Ease four sides of the dough away from the edge of the bowl using a dough scraper, pull upwards in the bowl and allow to fall in the middle. Cover and leave to rise again at room temperature for approx. 30 mins. Repeat this step three more times. Place the dough in a floured proving basket or bowl, cover and leave to rise at room temperature for approx. 2 hrs.

To bake

Place the casserole dish (incl. lid) in the lower half of a cold oven. Preheat the oven to 240°C. Remove the dish, flour the base of the dish, place the bread in the hot dish, dust the dough with flour, cover and bake for approx. 20 mins. Remove the lid and cook for a further 25 mins. Take the dish out of the oven, remove the bread from the dish, leave to cool on a rack.

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