Leftover croissant bake

Leftover croissant bake

Total: 30 min. | Active: 15 min.

Turning old into new! I'm a great believer in using up leftovers and I love conjuring up innovative dishes out of leftover food. We had lots of croissants left over after a big brunch once and I didn't want to see them go to waste. So I decided to make a sweet croissant bake. It's very quick to rustle up and makes the perfect breakfast or dessert for the following day.

Lara -  Vanillacrunnch

Lara - Vanillacrunnch


for 4 person

croissants day-old, torn into pieces
2 tbsp oat drink
110 g coconut palm sugar
1 tsp bourbon vanilla powder
1 tsp cinnamon
160 g vegan cream cheese substitute
4 tbsp strawberry jam
200 g strawberries, cut into pieces

How it's done


Arrange the croissants in the prepared dish. Pour the oat milk into the pan and add the sugar, vanilla and cinnamon. Bring to the boil while stirring, allow to cool slightly. Place the cream cheese in a bowl, pour in the oat milk and whisk together using the whisk attachment on a hand mixer. Spread the cream cheese and strawberry jam alternately on top of the croissants.


Remove the bake from the oven, decorate with the strawberries.

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