Venison fillet with fig & bacon sauce

Total: 1 hr | Active: 1 hr
gluten-free, Low Carb


for 4 person

Potato & beetroot roesti
500 g mealy potatoes, coarsely grated
250 g raw beetroots, coarsely grated
1 tsp salt
  clarified butter
Venison fillet
venison fillets (each approx. 400 g)
juniper berries, crushed with a mortar and pestle
1 tbsp rosemary, finely chopped
¾ tsp salt
a little  pepper
Fig & bacon sauce
120 g country bacon whole, rind removed, cut into thin sticks
2 dl game stock
2 tbsp fig mustard
50 g butter, cut into pieces, cold
  salt and pepper to taste
figs, thinly sliced

How it's done

Potato & beetroot roesti

Mix the potatoes and beetroot with the salt. Heat the clarified butter in a non-stick frying pan. Add the vegetables, fry for approx. 10 mins., turning occasionally. Shape the roesti into a patty. Cover the roesti and continue to fry over a medium heat for approx. 15 mins. Place a large, flat plate on top of the pan. Tip the roesti out onto the plate. Add a little clarified butter to the pan, slide the roesti back into the pan with the uncooked side facing down, finish cooking (uncovered) for approx. 15 mins.

Venison fillet

Remove the meat from the fridge approx. 30 mins. prior to cooking. Heat the oven to 60°C. Mix together the juniper berries, rosemary, salt and pepper, and rub into the meat. Heat the clarified butter in a non-stick frying pan. Brown the meat on all sides for approx. 5 mins., allow to rest in the preheated oven until ready to serve.

Fig & bacon sauce

Place the bacon in the same pan, fry over a medium heat until crispy. Pour in the stock, loosen any bits that have stuck to the pan, reduce slightly while stirring, stir in the mustard. Gradually add the cold butter to the sauce, while stirring with a whisk. Return the pan to the hob a few times to gently warm the sauce; it must not boil. Stir until the sauce is creamy, season. Add the figs. Serve the sauce with the venison fillet and roesti.

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