Two-ingredient nut spread

Total: 30 min. | Active: 20 min.
vegan, lactose-free

Ever thought of making your own nut spread without artificial additives and with significantly less sugar? I didn't believe it at first, but it is possible! Aside from a good blender, all you'll need for my recipe are two ingredients. Feel free to add vanilla or cinnamon, as desired.

Recipe by:
Lara - Vanillacrunnch


for 400 g

250 g hazelnuts
140 g dark chocolate, chopped

How it's done


Spread the hazelnuts on a baking tray lined with baking paper.

Roast for approx. 10 mins. in the centre of an oven preheated to 180°C. Allow the nuts to cool slightly, place on a tea towel and rub off the shells.

Puree the nuts in a blender until smooth (this can take up to 5 mins!). Melt the chocolate in a bain-marie, add to the nut puree, mix well. Transfer the nut spread to a jar. Store in the fridge.

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