Vegan shredded pancakes with apricot jam

Total: 20 min. | Active: 20 min.
vegan, lactose-free

Shredded pancakes are my go-to comfort food. These warm shreds of pancake taste particularly good in winter with apricot jam. You can serve them for dessert or as an afternoon snack, or enjoy them back at the chalet after an exhilarating day on the slopes.

Lara - Vanillacrunnch


for 4 person

350 g light spelt flour
40 g sugar
1 parcel vanilla sugar
1 parcel baking powder
1 pinch salt
5 dl almond drink
1 dl mineral water
Shredded pancakes
2 tbsp margarine
a little  icing sugar
4 tbsp apricot jam

How it's done


Mix the flour, sugar, vanilla sugar, baking powder and salt in a bowl. Combine the almond milk and sparkling water, add to the flour and mix until you have a smooth batter.

Shredded pancakes

Heat 1 tbsp of margarine in a non-stick frying pan, add half of the batter, fry over a medium heat for several minutes. Turn the pancake, divide into small pieces using the spatula, fry for a further 3 mins. Prepare the second pancake straight away. Dust with icing sugar and serve with jam.

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