Cheesecake to go

Total: 2 hr 30 min. | Active: 30 min.

Anyone who knows me knows that I have a weakness for cheesecake. Making your own cheesecake from scratch always takes a bit of time. So I came up with the idea of a "cheesecake to go" – it's quicker to prepare yet contains all the ingredients of a regular cheesecake. The berries on top make it a fantastic summer dessert for on the go.

Claudia - stylingqueen


for 4 person

100 g biscuit (e.g. Spekulatius or Petit Beurre)
50 g butter, melted, left to cool
400 g cream cheese, plain
360 g plain yoghurt
½ tsp bourbon vanilla powder
60 g icing sugar
250 g raspberries, coarsely crushed

How it's done


Place the biscuits in a plastic bag and crush finely using a rolling pin. Transfer to a bowl and mix with the butter. Spoon into the jars and smooth down over the base. Refrigerate the jars for approx. 1 hr.


Thoroughly mix the cream cheese, yoghurt, vanilla and icing sugar. Divide the filling between the jars, chill for at least another hour.


Spread the raspberries on top of the filling, seal the jars and refrigerate until ready to serve.

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