Mini nut pies

Total: 1 hr 50 min. | Active: 45 min.


for 6 pieces

300 g white flour
½  organic lemon, use grated zest only
1 tsp sugar
¾ tsp salt
90 g butter, cold, cut into pieces
1 dl water
75 g cane sugar
½ dl maple syrup
1 ½ tbsp orange juice
1 tbsp butter, melted, left to cool
25 g pecan nut, roughly chopped
25 g cashew nut, roughly chopped
25 g walnut kernel, roughly chopped
25 g prune, roughly chopped
25 g dried apple segment, roughly chopped
15 g candied ginger, roughly chopped
egg, beaten
1 tbsp cane sugar

How it's done


Mix the flour, lemon zest, sugar and salt in a bowl. Add the butter and rub together using your hands to form an even, crumbly mixture. Add the water, mix quickly to create a soft dough, do not knead, cover and refrigerate for approx. 30 mins.


Combine the sugar with all the other ingredients up to and including the butter. Mix the pecan nuts with the other ingredients up to and including the ginger.


Halve the dough and, on a surface lightly dusted with flour, roll out one half to approx. 2 mm thick, cut out 6 circles (each approx.10 cm diameter), place into the prepared ramekins. Prick the dough all over with a fork and spoon the nut filling into it. Roll the remaining dough out on a lightly floured surface, cut into strips and plait a few strips into braids. Place the braids and strips on top of the filling and press the edges down firmly.


Brush the pies with egg, sprinkle with sugar. Bake for approx. 35 mins. in the bottom half of an oven preheated to 200°C. Remove from the oven, allow to cool a little, remove from the ramekins and serve while still warm.

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