Frozen yoghurt rocket lollies with chocolate

Frozen yoghurt rocket lollies with chocolate

Total: 4 hr 45 min. | Active: 15 min.

Summer, sun, ice lollies... Summer wouldn't be summer without ice lollies. My children could quite easily get through several lollies a day. Unfortunately, most lollies contain a fair amount of sugar. This is why we prefer to make our own. Not only do they taste great, but they are also a lot of fun to make. Dipping them in chocolate adds the perfect finishing touch. Although in our house, it's rarely just the tip of the lolly that gets dunked in chocolate!

Claudia - stylingqueen

Claudia - stylingqueen


for 8 pieces

Ice lollies
500 g plain greek yoghurt
30 g chocolate powder
2 tbsp agave syrup
1 parcel vanilla sugar
Chocolate icing
1 parcel dark cake icing

How it's done

Ice lollies

Mix one third of the yoghurt with the chocolate powder. Mix the remainder of the yoghurt with the agave syrup and vanilla sugar. First pour the chocolate yoghurt into the moulds, then fill with the remainder of the yoghurt. Finally, mix the two gently with a wooden skewer, pulling the skewer back and forth several times.

Place the moulds in the freezer for 4-5 mins.

Chocolate icing

Place the icing bag in hot water for approx. 10 mins. to melt the icing. Briefly dip the ice lolly moulds in hot water, remove the lollies from the moulds and dip the tips in the chocolate icing one by one.

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